Adverbs of manner adalah adverbia yang menerangkan tentang cara atau bagaimana sesuatu terjadi. Umumnya adverbs of manner terletak setelah main verb atau setelah objek.
- He speaks English well.- He ran quickly.
- She spoke softly.
- John coughed loudly to attract her attention.
- She plays the flute beautifully.
- He grabbed the bottle and drank greedily.
- I must study hard.
- He drives the car slowly.
- She moved slowly and spoke quietly.
Sebaiknya tidak meletakkan adverbia di antara verba dan objek:
- He ate greedily the chocolate cake. (salah)
- He ate the chocolate cake greedily. (benar)
Jika ada preposisi sebelum objek, misalnya: at, towards, etc., kita dapat meletakkan adverbia sebelum preposisi atau setelah objek.
- The child ran happily towards his mother.
- The child ran towards his mother happily.
Adakalanya adverbs of manner diletakkan sebelum verba dan objek untuk memberi penekanan pada adverbia tersebut:
- He gently woke the sleeping woman.
Adverbs of manner juga dapat diletakkan di awal kalimat untuk menarik perhatian dan rasa ingin tahu pembaca:
- Slowly she picked up the knife.
(Kata slowly di atas membuat kita ingin tahu apa yang terjadi, siapa yang melakukan itu, dan mengapa harus dilakukan dengan perlahan (slowly))
Sebaiknya, adverbia ini selalu diletakkan sesudah intransitive verbs (verba yang tidak memerlukan objek).
- The town grew quickly
- He waited patiently
Begitu juga dengan adverbia pada umumnya yang hampir selalu diletakkan setelah verba, misalnya: well, badly, hard, fast, etc.
Letak adverbia sangat penting ketika dalam sebuah kalimat ada lebih dari satu verba. Jika terletak setelah klause, maka adverbia itu akan menerangkan seluruh tindakan atau kejadian yang digambarkan pada klausa tersebut.
Perhatikan perbedaan arti diantara kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini:
- She quickly agreed to re-type the letter (=quickly menerangkan verba agreed)
- She agreed to re-type the letter quickly (=quickly menerangkan verba to re-type)
- He quietly asked me to leave the house (=quietly menerangkan verba asked)
- He asked me to leave the house quietly (=quietly menerangkan verba to leave)
Choose the right form of the words in the brackets!
1. Alfonso will run (fast- fastly) to win the competition.
2. We have to study (hard-hardly) when we want to succeed in the future.
3. Yuniar has a lot of friends because she is a ( friend-friendly) girl.
4. Listen Ida is singing ( loud-loudly).
5. This exercise is very hard to do. I think only few students can do it.
6. He never comes ( late-lately)
7.My parents smile ( happy-happily) on my birtday party.
8. Turn off the lamp. the room is ( bright-brightly).
9. Mrs.Erni is one of my (love- lovely) friend. She always greet everybody she met.
10. Chandra enters the house ( silent-silently) because he doesn't want to disturb his grandma.
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